Lauterbach Offers Full Debug Support for 32-bit TriCore™ AURIX™ TC4x
The TriCore™ AURIX™ TC4x is designed for the next-generation eMobility, ADAS, automotive E/E architectures and affordable artificial intelligence (AI) applications. To meet these goals, a heterogeneous architecture was deployed. TRACE32, the expert tool for heterogeneous multicore debugging, is supporting all core architectures of the TC4x with mature debuggers: TriCore™, CSRM (TriCore™), SCR (XC800), PPU (ARC®), GTM.
According to Norbert Weiss, Managing Director at Lauterbach, “Lauterbach has always worked very closely with Infineon and this relationship has allowed us to consistently provide high quality tools for when our customers want to start their next generation automotive project.”